Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First snow and moose encounters

November 13, 2009 - first "real" snow in Steamboat, 09-10 winter season.
November 14 - one below on the walk to work - saw a moose - see pics below to see it. See it every day - just don't normally have the camera.

Abby is lovin' Steamboat. Enjoying hikes and early morning excursions to watch stars fall from the sky? Not a great show. Breakfast was good though.

Emily will be in Steamboat in a few weeks. Hope we get a lot more snow between now and then.

Thanksgiving is a week away - go figure. Where has the year gone?

Thunder beats Miami to go a game over 500. Go Thunder

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How much can happen in a month?

How time flies . . .

Susie made a visit to Steamboat - coldest and snowiest we've had sine I've been here. A reminder of why she hates the snow and cold
- although we did have a great warming food from Winona's-a wonderful homemade cinnamon roll

Abby made the move to Colorado - STEAMBOAT and loves it. It really isn't that hard. It's such a great spot. Abby has a basic place - but great location, great view, what more can you ask for . .
a Sunday afternoon at the Hot Springs was enjoyable. I found someone to talk with about the economy and politics - go figure. Actually, someone I could agree with - that didn't happen very often in MO. Looking forward to a day of skiing in the not too distant future. Watch for pics. . .