Thursday, May 6, 2010

Snow on May 6

Another Spring Day in Steamboat - yes, it snowed today, May 6, 2010. I'll take snow over straight winds in Oklahoma any day.

Enjoyed my visit to OKC last week. Jac took care of us with tickets to Game six OKC THUNDER-Lakers NBA playoff series. Thanks!!! wish the game would have ended ONE SECOND earlier. ONE SECOND.
While visiting, I remember why I left - WIND, WIND, WIND. Two days of straight winds made me think 300 inches of snow a year isn't so bad.
The farmers were out at Epworth - thinking about Corn, okra, and ? . . . check out the picks.

It's always great to visit OKC and family. But, it is always glad to be back home - today that is Steamboat . . . Hope it is for a long time. Love it here - Love my job - LOVE MY LIFE!

My thoughts are with Elsie, Paul and family. Peace - love - hugs.