Saturday, October 9, 2010

First "Organized" 5K

Ran in my first organized 5K today.
Benefit for Soda Creek Elementary in Steamboat
Earlier this summer, I had a Forest Gump moment.  Woke up early, thought it would be nice for a morning walk before breakfast, walked downstairs - started running.  Have been running (almost) every morning since. 
Cold, damp morning for a run - 36 degrees after a night of rain, overcast - snow on the mountain top.  Winter is coming? - I think so . . .
Unofficial time:  26:45 (not bad for an old man). 
Waiting for the final results.

Training pic:

To make a long story short - last week of prep - frost on a wooden bridge, quick turn coming off the bridge, slip, fall, land on knee and shoulder on the sidewalk . . . swollen ankle.  Sure signs of an old man in training.

Not doing the 10Ks or marathons like my friends, but I am enjoying my morning runs.
Friend running a half-marathon next week - wish her the best!!! You can do it.