Monday, December 20, 2010

Family Visit to OKC - December 2010

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December visit to OKC to visit family.  Great trip - even though my sister had a to-do list that included cleaning out closets and storage areas.  I am getting good at that these days and the discussion was maybe I should start hiring out my services!!! 

Mom was smiling and laughing during my visit - I seem to have that impact on people - maybe it's the looks? 

Family is so important.  As much as we go through in life (the joys and challenges) - it still comes to back to family, love, support, caring and forgiveness.
We take too many things for granted.  I am so thankful to spend time with family in OKC, even though it is only two times a year.  It is always a special time. 
Thank you.
Love you all.

Happy Holidays
Hoping the New Year will bring joy and happiness to all.

From the Counting Crows - A LONG DECEMBER
"A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year (2011) will be better than the last
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you were leaving
Oh the days go by so fast . . .
If you think I could be forgiven
I wish you would"

My Winter Commute Around Steamboat: