Tuesday, August 2, 2011


July 29 - 31

July 29 - Officially left Steamboat for Winter Park
Camped two nights at Stagecoach State Park (Wed and Thurs nights) - got into Steamboat on Wednesday the 27th.  Was very sad to be driving into Steamboat and realizing this adventure was coming to an end - but a new adventure would be beginning soon.

Car, yes car - bought in Flagstaff to get back to Steamboat to move and have for new job and location (hated every minute of buying it), loaded it with half my "stuff" from my 3x5 storage. 

July 31 - Hiked to lake - different way to view the continental divide - last few times were on the bike. 

Almost six miles round trip.  Hard to believe this hike included forest, stream, water falls and SNOW - yes SNOW!

Believe it or not, clean shaven for the new "job" - real world test.

Hard to believe a just over a week earlier I was hiking the Grand Canyon to Plateau Point at 120 degrees . . .

Another day on the journey - the journey called life.  I wish there was more time to update my blog to share the experiences of my trip - just for my own sake to keep the memories. 

It was people, the places and the time to think about family and friends.  Already planning the next trip. Unfortunately, I don't forsee the timeframe or the circumstances will ever be the same - that's what made this so special.  Thank you for your thoughts and sharing this adventure.  Maybe by the next trip, I will have the  journal complete.