Sunday, June 7, 2015

It's a Ball

Love Baseball

On a recent visit to OKC, to celebrate Dad's 90th birthday with family, Cohen and I went with Abby to an OKC Dodger game.
In the 8th inning, Leonel Perez - Iowa Cub first base coach, threw us a ball. Cohen was so excited. At 19 months, already loves the game. It was a great time. He and Abby will be heading out to SoCal in July for our annual Red Sox trip.  CAN"T WAIT.  

He got his first bat and ball at the game too. He's ready to play! Wish you lived closer.
So thankful for my dad and brother sharing their time with me as a kid to develop a love for this game. Hope I can do the same for Cohen. It's a great game, great traditions. We'll be singing "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play today . . . "