Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Click on the arrow above to view slide-show

Does this look like training? Probably not.
Marc and I had a great day at the Houston Astros spring training camp on Sunday, March 22, 2009 (Chelsea's birthday).
Cord enjoyed the game with us.
Had a great birthday dinner - Marc actually found this place. Saturday night - well, that was a different story.
While I was in training, for new job on Monday, Marc went back to spring training saw George H.W. Bush who was attending the game.
Today is Tuesday - it's the first day to sit outside in shorts and feel comfortable. Rained yesterday - I wanted to sue the state's tourism department for false advertising: "sunshine" state?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can't Sleep

It's a little after 3am.
Can't sleep. Been up since 2.
Too much going on. Finalizing taxes, packing for a week of training, packing to move and trying to figure out
"the rest of the story" . . .
My tribute to Paul Harvey.


For those too young to know, that is a TYPEWRITTER Mr. Harvey is typing on - long before computer keyboards.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Graduation Date

Believe IT of NOT?!
The School of the Osage District FINALLY selected a date for the 2009 High School Graduation.

They tried to tie-in to historic dates so they selected May 21st ~ the date Susie and I will be celebrating our 26th anniversary (unbelievable to think Susie is that old - I guess that makes me old too).

We'll have great deals on the new condos at Osage National - right down the street for those making the trip. Let us know if you need accommodations.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Job-Blog Update - NEW

Find a job in this market is TOUGH.

You get a lead, you work it, you work it and pray a lot and negotiate little.
Who's in the driver seat these days? Not the job seeker. On the news this morning, they showed a job fair in Florida - and looked like Gore was re-running for president - lines were around the corner to get in the building - but no-one could get in. (Sorry, bad humor) Seriously, there were too many people to count - all qualified. Little scary.

My two prospects I have been working are very different. Today, I got an offer (after a fourth interview) for a job in Steamboat Springs, CO. Well established timeshare company that is still growing. Susie and I are going to think about it and review all options tonight. But based on the current status, I'll probably be in Orlando for training in two weeks.

I started this post Wednesday evening.
Today, Friday, I'm faxing my signed Offer Letter and start March 23.
In today's market, a job, is a job, is a job.
Being a cart attendant at Osage National was lookiing like a real prospect for the spring and summer if something didn't happen soon.
I'm excited about it. Looking forward to being back in the ski business.
The company is Celebrity Resorts (celebrityresorts.com).

Monday, March 2, 2009

After the snow - enjoy a piece of chocolate or a glass of red wine (or both?)

Great snow this weekend - 4 inches or so. Of course, it did shut-down the area for the day.

I've had several request to re-post the benefits of Red Wine. Here it is. In addition, included are the benefits of Dark Chocolate. Eat, drink and be healthy . . . A little exercise is important too. Source: A nice print out from the local market.

Benefits of Red Wine
*Contains antioxidants shown to help protect your heart
*Studies indicate red wine may help lower blood pressure and reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke and certain cancers
*Drink in moderation for these health benefits. This means one 4oz glass a day for women and two 4oz glasses a day for men
*Studies also show grape juice may have the same health benefits as red wine
NOTE: This information is shared for FUN purposes - I TAKE NO responsibility for personal results you may or may not experience.

Benefits of Dark Chocolate
*More cocoa means more helath benefits, so select darker chocolate
*Full of flavonols, or antioxidants, shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and lower LDL - "bad" - cholesterol
*Helps lift your mood by secreting neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins
*East about 3 oz a day

Take it for what it's worth - but I'm thinking neither one of these is a bad thing.