Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Job-Blog Update - NEW

Find a job in this market is TOUGH.

You get a lead, you work it, you work it and pray a lot and negotiate little.
Who's in the driver seat these days? Not the job seeker. On the news this morning, they showed a job fair in Florida - and looked like Gore was re-running for president - lines were around the corner to get in the building - but no-one could get in. (Sorry, bad humor) Seriously, there were too many people to count - all qualified. Little scary.

My two prospects I have been working are very different. Today, I got an offer (after a fourth interview) for a job in Steamboat Springs, CO. Well established timeshare company that is still growing. Susie and I are going to think about it and review all options tonight. But based on the current status, I'll probably be in Orlando for training in two weeks.

I started this post Wednesday evening.
Today, Friday, I'm faxing my signed Offer Letter and start March 23.
In today's market, a job, is a job, is a job.
Being a cart attendant at Osage National was lookiing like a real prospect for the spring and summer if something didn't happen soon.
I'm excited about it. Looking forward to being back in the ski business.
The company is Celebrity Resorts (

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