Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scenes from a Summer Sunday in Steamboat

Not sure you can call it a Summer Sunday when you start your day with a bike ride, downhill, with frost on the roofs and lawns and the themometer at 28 degrees? What day is it? August 16, 2009.
Not sure if you care, but here are some pics from me taking a half day off and enjoying a slow paced Sunday biking and relaxing in Steamboat.

I'm officially celebrating two months without a car and doing what I can to save our environment. Every Saturday - it's the farmers market for local produce, walk and bike everywhere (at least once a week I have to take a cab home - my grocery shopping day), take my own cup to Starbucks for coffee and got my landlord to start weekly recycling with WasteManagement. What have you done lately?
In a couple of weeks, it will be five months in Steamboat. Lovin' it.

There is a link, if you click on the "Scenes of a Summer Sunday in Steamboat" title, above. This is a link to Flickr that will give you descriptions of some of the pictures.
The last three pics (prior to the sunset) are taken on my bike ride home-my daily commute.

A few political comments:
RECESSION? This home started in May - you need a crane for how long to complete this project? I'm thinking we're on the rebound.

A note on health care. My feeling about the "Loud/Obnoxious (and many other words) protesters" must have good health. The day they get an illness and get a notice from their insurance company that they are being cancelled - maybe they'll change their tune. To paraphrase a few letters I've seen in the paper: American's Health Care only Cares if your Healthy. How true is that.

I guess I've touched on two of my passions in this post - the environment and healthcare.

Just finished a book about Buck O'Neil from the Negro Leagues. I can't believe the hatred this country showed towards "others". Let's COEXIST. We're all human.

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