Thursday, September 30, 2010

Indian Summer - Great Colors - Great Place

Can't say this was a hike - took the Gondola up on the last day for the fall season (9/19/10) - sat on the deck, glass of wine, nap, ride down - now waiting for winter!!

Emerson, Lake and Palmer summed it up in a song:  "What a lucky man he was (is)"

Aspens have been "unbelievable" over the last week plus. 

9/30/10:  registered for my first 5K on October 9.  Can't believe I'm enjoying running so much in the mornings. 
Wish Susie the best in her 10K on Saturday (10/2/10)!  Told her back in the spring after her 5K - 10K was next. Now, a marathon is next.  Good luck!! 
Abby got a job today - seasonal at Russell Stovers - hope it is not like working at Ben & Jerry's and you get free samples every day. 
Emily is officially moved out of her old place - happy to be in a new place. 

Life is an adventure - celebrate every day - live it like the last.  It may be. 
I love my friends and family. 
Special memories, special times. . .

Sad the Red Sox season is over.  Mike Lowell retiring. Varitek to follow? probably.  Hope we'll be healthy next year.


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