Thursday, November 18, 2010

Am I Crazy?

August 28, 2011
Olympic Distance
 John Lennon once sang:  "People say I'm crazy, doin' what I'm doin'".

Probably so. 
A friend participated in the Triathlon at Lake Powell a few weeks ago and came in 4th in their age group.  We talked about the Steamboat Triathlon in August. Well, they have extended it and made it an Olympic Distance.  The more we talked about it, the more excited about it I got (I was committed to the Steamboat triathlon that is 3/4 mile swim, 20 mile bike ride and 4 mile run).  What's another 1/4 mile swim, 4.8 miles on the bike and 2.2 mile run?  Not much.  Why not. 

Monday was my first "official" day of training. Included a run in the snow and a bike ride to work in the snow - not much unusual to a normal day?  NO. 

We only live once. 

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