Monday, August 14, 2017

Time in Oregon . . .

Vicki arrived Tuesday, Aug. 1 for a week. Two days in Portland before heading east to the falls. Of course, Powell Books and Voodoo Donuts were a must . . .
After having dinner in Portland with Emily, we headed out to camp, hike and enjoy the beauty of Multnomah Falls and County. We were awed by the falls. An early morning hike before the crowds made our visit to Multnomah Falls much more enjoyable. Later in the day we took a LONG hike and the crowds were, let's say there were A LOT of people. Definitely will go back!


On to Hood River . . . Visited Vicki's brother and sister-in-law. Nice place - main street shopping, farmers market Saturday morning and lunch. Hood River has a few wineries.
So, had to try a couple-actually three. Will definitely be back here. Two nights isn't enough.
Wineries in Hood River
Nice visit to Oregon but more adventures ahead . . . new places . . . 

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Trip Begins . . .


Left Mountain Retreat Resort, Arnold, CA, after a short stay (short of the long of it - just ask, you probably know anyway if you are reading this).

Between jobs means one thing . . .


July 31 was my last day. Best laid plans never work out right. Was hoping to be on the road by 1:30pm - luckily left just after 3pm which meant not being able to make it to planned camp site the first night. First night, first rest stop in Oregon on HWY 97 - front seat was my bed.

First stop Aug 1, BEND, OR


Parked bike near park by downtown and enjoyed riding around town - great bike town. Lunch, beer and an asparagus appetizer. Joel, waiting from Colorado Springs, been in Bend four months and now heading to Iceland to hike for a month. Living the dream. Spent longer than planned in Bend. On to Portland to have dinner with daughter and pick-up Vicki for a week together in Oregon.