Monday, August 7, 2017

The Trip Begins . . .


Left Mountain Retreat Resort, Arnold, CA, after a short stay (short of the long of it - just ask, you probably know anyway if you are reading this).

Between jobs means one thing . . .


July 31 was my last day. Best laid plans never work out right. Was hoping to be on the road by 1:30pm - luckily left just after 3pm which meant not being able to make it to planned camp site the first night. First night, first rest stop in Oregon on HWY 97 - front seat was my bed.

First stop Aug 1, BEND, OR


Parked bike near park by downtown and enjoyed riding around town - great bike town. Lunch, beer and an asparagus appetizer. Joel, waiting from Colorado Springs, been in Bend four months and now heading to Iceland to hike for a month. Living the dream. Spent longer than planned in Bend. On to Portland to have dinner with daughter and pick-up Vicki for a week together in Oregon.

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