Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Job-blog update

Another day, another resume, two, three or four emailed. Another email followup, phone call, message or two, three, four or more.
Hopefully this week will be the most productive to date. I've had a second interview for a timeshare property manager position at a Colorado ski resort. Plus, I got a followup email from a worldwide home rental company after a second interview last week. Each seems promising - but with today's job and economic challenges - WHO KNOWS?

Some days its a challenge to maintain a positive attitude. That's why I don't read the paper daily anymore. Don't listen to NPR in the morning - still listen most evenings - but NOT in the morning.

Say a prayer, send good karma - whatever you can do to send positive waves my way this week and next while I continue this search in the worst economic times since . . .? Be optimistic - go spend money today and tomorrow and the day after that.

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