Saturday, April 18, 2009

Missed the Storm

There's a reason they call this time of year MUD-SEASON. It could just as easy be called the "blight - unattractive sight" of winter past.

The storm that hit Denver and surrounding area, April 17, 2009, measured in feet not inches - upto four feet in some areas. Steamboat, we got none. It was sunny and 46 degrees - great evening for a walk to town.

Steamboat has a walking/biking trail that parallels the infamous railroad tracks. Infamous? The train's schedule thru Steamboat, at least twice a week, is at 4am. Unless your closer to the moutain - it probably wakes you up. It does me. After a couple of weeks, I can at least roll over and go back to sleep.

A few more pics. I'm enjoying walking a lot. Can't wait to get my bike in June.

Lovin' life in Steamboat.

Finishing my second week. Getting a handle on the new job. Lot's of opportunities.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter - new beginnings

Oh, to celebrate Easter without Cadbury Creme Eggs would be a sin - don't know if Susie put them in my moving box before I left or the Easter Bunny was making early rounds at Lake of the Ozarks. It may seem confusing - but the pine tree is not an easter decoration. There were four eggs, then three and now only two are left.

Quick history of the Easter Egg:
The egg is widely used as a symbol of the start of new life, just as new life emerges from an egg when the chick hatches out.
The ancient Persians painted eggs for Nowrooz, their New Year celebration, which falls on the Spring equinox. The Nawrooz tradition has existed for at least 2,500 years.
From Wikipedia (of course)
New job, New location, New beginning - my life fits right into the season and the egg tradition (just hope it's not rotten-sorry, always have to throw in a little bad humor). . .
Not sure they envisioned Hershey making chocolate covered creme filled eggs - but I'm glad Hershey did.

Here's a few pics from Steamboat - not great - but will give you an overview of my surrounding right now. Most of the pics were taken from the parking lot of the Hilltop property. Hilltop offers view (hence the name) and the Suites location is a little closer to the mountain and some shopping. Don't have any from downtown or inside pics. Those will come later.

We've had warm weather this past week and a tremendous amount of snow-melt. They call late April and most of May MUD-SEASON for a reason. We're wondering how many dead bodies we'll find on the properties once the snow drifts melt.

Have a great Easter - I think about everyone often.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Week Later

Finishing my first week at Steamboat. Settling in to the new environment, new job and finally adjusted to the altitude. Took a nice walk last night and wasn't gasping for air. Walked back from downtown (approx. 1.5 miles) after watching a little of the OKC Thunder basketball game in a SMOKE-FREE sports bar.

Travel plans are set for Abby's graduation - it's hard to believe she is graduting from high school. Time goes so fast. Dealing with recent snows and snow forecast for today and being back in a ski town - as a matter of face it is snowing now (only supposed to get an inch or so today)- it reminds me of the family move to Hunter, NY when Emily was just starting school and Abby was in pre-school. It seems like only yesterday.

I'm hoping to be back at Lake of the Ozarks Wednesday morning, May 20 (have a late night flight into KC on Tues).

Blogs, facebook notes and postings, phone calls are all great - but it's not the same as being with the people you love.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Made it to Steamboat yesterday (Thurs, April 2) after lunch after 900 plus miles. Hit snow Wednesday night (April fools day - appropriate I guess) just after getting into Colorado. Traveled with a group of trucks at 20 to 40 mph for 20 plus miles.

Steamboat has grown dramatically from the pictures I remember at Sugarbush (when Amercian Skiing Company owned it-along with Sugarbush). It reminds me of an overgrown Stowe, VT with a lot of chains, including Starbucks, with a Sugarbush attitude - laid back.

Settled into my condo unit. Older property. I'll post pics this weekend.