Saturday, April 18, 2009

Missed the Storm

There's a reason they call this time of year MUD-SEASON. It could just as easy be called the "blight - unattractive sight" of winter past.

The storm that hit Denver and surrounding area, April 17, 2009, measured in feet not inches - upto four feet in some areas. Steamboat, we got none. It was sunny and 46 degrees - great evening for a walk to town.

Steamboat has a walking/biking trail that parallels the infamous railroad tracks. Infamous? The train's schedule thru Steamboat, at least twice a week, is at 4am. Unless your closer to the moutain - it probably wakes you up. It does me. After a couple of weeks, I can at least roll over and go back to sleep.

A few more pics. I'm enjoying walking a lot. Can't wait to get my bike in June.

Lovin' life in Steamboat.

Finishing my second week. Getting a handle on the new job. Lot's of opportunities.

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