Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Week Later

Finishing my first week at Steamboat. Settling in to the new environment, new job and finally adjusted to the altitude. Took a nice walk last night and wasn't gasping for air. Walked back from downtown (approx. 1.5 miles) after watching a little of the OKC Thunder basketball game in a SMOKE-FREE sports bar.

Travel plans are set for Abby's graduation - it's hard to believe she is graduting from high school. Time goes so fast. Dealing with recent snows and snow forecast for today and being back in a ski town - as a matter of face it is snowing now (only supposed to get an inch or so today)- it reminds me of the family move to Hunter, NY when Emily was just starting school and Abby was in pre-school. It seems like only yesterday.

I'm hoping to be back at Lake of the Ozarks Wednesday morning, May 20 (have a late night flight into KC on Tues).

Blogs, facebook notes and postings, phone calls are all great - but it's not the same as being with the people you love.

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