Monday, December 20, 2010

Family Visit to OKC - December 2010

Click on ARROW for slide show.

December visit to OKC to visit family.  Great trip - even though my sister had a to-do list that included cleaning out closets and storage areas.  I am getting good at that these days and the discussion was maybe I should start hiring out my services!!! 

Mom was smiling and laughing during my visit - I seem to have that impact on people - maybe it's the looks? 

Family is so important.  As much as we go through in life (the joys and challenges) - it still comes to back to family, love, support, caring and forgiveness.
We take too many things for granted.  I am so thankful to spend time with family in OKC, even though it is only two times a year.  It is always a special time. 
Thank you.
Love you all.

Happy Holidays
Hoping the New Year will bring joy and happiness to all.

From the Counting Crows - A LONG DECEMBER
"A long December and there's reason to believe
Maybe this year (2011) will be better than the last
I can't remember the last thing that you said as you were leaving
Oh the days go by so fast . . .
If you think I could be forgiven
I wish you would"

My Winter Commute Around Steamboat:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Am I Crazy?

August 28, 2011
Olympic Distance
 John Lennon once sang:  "People say I'm crazy, doin' what I'm doin'".

Probably so. 
A friend participated in the Triathlon at Lake Powell a few weeks ago and came in 4th in their age group.  We talked about the Steamboat Triathlon in August. Well, they have extended it and made it an Olympic Distance.  The more we talked about it, the more excited about it I got (I was committed to the Steamboat triathlon that is 3/4 mile swim, 20 mile bike ride and 4 mile run).  What's another 1/4 mile swim, 4.8 miles on the bike and 2.2 mile run?  Not much.  Why not. 

Monday was my first "official" day of training. Included a run in the snow and a bike ride to work in the snow - not much unusual to a normal day?  NO. 

We only live once. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Words of WIsdom

John Wooden, Oct. 14, 1910 - June 4, 2010 

An institution, not only at UCLA and for college basketball, but for his wisdom and love of life.

Here are a few quotes worthy of remembering and sharing every day:
  • "Learn as if you were to live forever; live as if you were to die tomorrow"
  • "The main indgredient of stardom is the rest of the team."
  • "Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."
  • Don't give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you."
“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”

John Wooden's Pyramid of Success:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

First "Organized" 5K

Ran in my first organized 5K today.
Benefit for Soda Creek Elementary in Steamboat
Earlier this summer, I had a Forest Gump moment.  Woke up early, thought it would be nice for a morning walk before breakfast, walked downstairs - started running.  Have been running (almost) every morning since. 
Cold, damp morning for a run - 36 degrees after a night of rain, overcast - snow on the mountain top.  Winter is coming? - I think so . . .
Unofficial time:  26:45 (not bad for an old man). 
Waiting for the final results.

Training pic:

To make a long story short - last week of prep - frost on a wooden bridge, quick turn coming off the bridge, slip, fall, land on knee and shoulder on the sidewalk . . . swollen ankle.  Sure signs of an old man in training.

Not doing the 10Ks or marathons like my friends, but I am enjoying my morning runs.
Friend running a half-marathon next week - wish her the best!!! You can do it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Indian Summer - Great Colors - Great Place

Can't say this was a hike - took the Gondola up on the last day for the fall season (9/19/10) - sat on the deck, glass of wine, nap, ride down - now waiting for winter!!

Emerson, Lake and Palmer summed it up in a song:  "What a lucky man he was (is)"

Aspens have been "unbelievable" over the last week plus. 

9/30/10:  registered for my first 5K on October 9.  Can't believe I'm enjoying running so much in the mornings. 
Wish Susie the best in her 10K on Saturday (10/2/10)!  Told her back in the spring after her 5K - 10K was next. Now, a marathon is next.  Good luck!! 
Abby got a job today - seasonal at Russell Stovers - hope it is not like working at Ben & Jerry's and you get free samples every day. 
Emily is officially moved out of her old place - happy to be in a new place. 

Life is an adventure - celebrate every day - live it like the last.  It may be. 
I love my friends and family. 
Special memories, special times. . .

Sad the Red Sox season is over.  Mike Lowell retiring. Varitek to follow? probably.  Hope we'll be healthy next year.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Colorado - a healthy spot on the journey

Trust for America's Heath and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's 2010 report shows that Colorado is the only state in America with an adult obesity rate below 20 percent. 

Maybe it's the moutains, fresh air, active lifestyles?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Love affair with baseball - maybe that was part of my problem?

Only the good die young . .

Tug McGraw pitched 19 years in the majors for the Mets and Phillies. Struck out Willie Wilson, KC Royals, for the final out in the 1980 World Series. Phillies win, Phillies win . . .

"Maybe it's appropriate. I've had a love affair with baseball. The game stole my heart  . . ." announcing his retirement in 1985.

Died at 59 from brain cancer Monday, January 5, 2004.  That's too young.

Live everyday to the fullest - love life! Love Steamboat!

By the way, yes, he is the father of Tim McGraw of country music fame.

Friday, September 3, 2010

End of Summer

End of Summer

Hard to believe, Labor Day is already here. Summer is over - definately a change in the seasons. Several mornings of frost already in the last week.  Morning runs have required hand covers - but you have to love it. Only means one thing, another day closer to the start of ski season!!!!!

It has been a wonderful summer (even with the challenges at work - isn't that always the case though?).  Running now every day (2 plus miles - back for breakfast by 5), cylcing to work and around town, tennis once a week, hike once a week and normally a short walk before bed.  OUTSIDE whenever I can. 

Steamboat is a wonderful place to be for life changes. 

On a recent hike to the top of the mountain (after riding the gondola up half the way), there were a LOT of butterflies.  It made me think of a dear friend and their flight in life in a new direction - "free, free, set them free. . . if you love someone, set them free".  Special time and special feelings.  Life is very good. 

Been a year ago June that I have lived without a car.  A friend was amazed I survived the winter.  Bring on the 2nd.  With my new living quarters, convenient and easy to get around - I see no need for it anytime in the near future. 

When I mentioned to my boss earlier in the summer, I needed to get on my bike to get home to beat the rain, he emailed me and asked if I had a Harley.  Ha, I told him I didn't know her.  My bike was a 20 plus year old pedal model. He loved a laughed. 

Great visit to Denver for the Red Sox games -

Abby and I had our annual Red Sox trip.  Rockies took two out of three and game three was a marathon - Red Sox won - 14 pitchers between the two teams and something like 420 pitches - almost 5 hours and only 9 innings.  Abby has a new favorite song (NOT):
 Hit arrow to play video

Bloggin' it again. 
Email or text me. 

Listed the house with a new realtor.

Also, trying to sell our condo - great view, great location at Osage National Golf Resort.  Forward it if you know anyone interested in golf, great condo, great view.

Love life in steamboat.
Wishing my friend and everyone . . .
Peace, Love and Hope.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Snow on May 6

Another Spring Day in Steamboat - yes, it snowed today, May 6, 2010. I'll take snow over straight winds in Oklahoma any day.

Enjoyed my visit to OKC last week. Jac took care of us with tickets to Game six OKC THUNDER-Lakers NBA playoff series. Thanks!!! wish the game would have ended ONE SECOND earlier. ONE SECOND.
While visiting, I remember why I left - WIND, WIND, WIND. Two days of straight winds made me think 300 inches of snow a year isn't so bad.
The farmers were out at Epworth - thinking about Corn, okra, and ? . . . check out the picks.

It's always great to visit OKC and family. But, it is always glad to be back home - today that is Steamboat . . . Hope it is for a long time. Love it here - Love my job - LOVE MY LIFE!

My thoughts are with Elsie, Paul and family. Peace - love - hugs.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

End of Seaon

April 18

Can't believe the ski season is over.

Abby enjoyed working at Rendevous at Steamboat. Got a promotion for next year to head cashier. She and I enjoyed the last day on the slopes together and had a fun day celebrating the end of the season on the mountain last Sunday (lifts closed at 2:30).

Emily made three visits to Colorado. Her April visit was a little challenging - windy - OKLAHOMA windy at Copper - snow and wind at Steamboat. She came a week early. The next week was one of the best of the year.

It's been a fun winter at Steamboat.
Abby is back in Missouri for the summer. Emily is finishing her junior year and will be heading to Greece for summer school. Great memories - thanks for sharing time in Steamboat. I miss you.