Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Memories of Zack

Tuesday evening, after an afternoon of snowfall, I took a quiet, lonely walk to remember my friend and the family's friend - Zack.

This was our first "real" snow since he past away this summer. He was our Maine dog - adopted from the Humane Society of Knox County in Thomaston, ME, October 14, 1996. He loved the snow. Whether a long hike thru the woods in Maine or Vermont, or just laying around while we shoveled the drive or sidewalk, he loved the snow. Just like a kid - if it was snowing - he wanted to be outside.

Zack and I had many a long walks in the woods ~ during and after the snows. It would be so quiet. Nights with a full moon were our favorite. There was a hiking trail not too far from our condo at Sugarbush that we could access and hike and hike and hike. I would always take a beer or two. There was a place that had some fallen down trees that served as our resting spot. I would rest and sip a brew, Zack would rest a minute or two and be back to jumping, romping and running in the snow. Being part Newfoundland, the deeper the snow ~ the better.

This snowfall, this quiet night, made me think of you Zack. I miss you. We all miss you.

Please donate to your local animal shelter and encourage those wanting a pet to consider adoption. We recently (Abby recently) adopted our third from a shelter - they make great pets.

Monday, January 26, 2009

You know you're from . . .

I ran across this post card after moving to Missouri. It's been on the side of the fridge until recently. Even though it says Missouri, it could be anywhere! You probably know, if not today, in your past, someone that is like this:

You Know Your (spelling on postcard-even though it is incorrect) From MISSOURI IF:
You think potted meat on a saltine is an hor'dourve.
Directions to your house include, "Turn off the paved road".
Jack Daniels makes your list of most admired people.
Your family tree is a straight line.
You've ever worn a tube top to a wedding.
Your mother has ever been in a fist fight at a high school sports event.
Your dad walks you to school because you're in the same grade.
You consider a six pack of beer and a bug zapper to be quality entertainment.
You have a brother named bubba, junior, or Jim Bob.
You prominently display a gift you bought at Graceland.
You view the next family reunion as a chance to meet girls.
Your front porch collapses and kills more than 3 dogs.

It's a good laugh. Family treet straight line is one of the funniest.
Oh how life has changed for many (we hope).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time for Change

Today was inauguration day. From reading different post on facebook and the web, many are glad to see a change. One post read ~ "(I) am thrilled to have finally awaken from a horrific eight year nightmare". Couldn't have said it better - but credit, where credit is due, my cousin wrote it and posted it on facebook.
We have been challenged by our new president to help our neighbor and volunteer. What have you done different today? Who have you helped? If not today, tomorrow?

I watched Woody Allen's movie Manhattan this weekend. The last line is perfect for today: "Have a little faith in people"

Hope you got a chance to watch the inauguration. If not, you probably have seen 25 replays since getting home from work. Believe it or not, the political junkie that I am, the tv is actually on an NBA game. This week is direct-tv's free NBA TICKET preview week. Since the Oklahoma City Thunder finally won two games in a row this past week, I've become an NBA fan. Actually, I have had the opportunity, thanks to my sister, to attend a couple of games and have had a blast - even own an OKC Thunder t-shirt. I'm an official fan.

Consider this for your health . . .
More cocoa means more health benefits, so select darker chocolate.
Full of flavonols, or antioxidants, shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and lower LDL - "bad" - cholesterol.
Helps lift your mood by secreting neurotransmitters such as serotnin and endorphins.
Eat about 3 oz a day.

I'm no M.D. (Me Doctor). But I ran across this at a grocery store health desk and thought it was worth sharing. Anything is good in moderation. The other side of the sheet was the benefits of Red Wine. I'll share those next week. Based upon health benefits of dark chocolate and Red Wine - I must be in great shape?

Update on the job-search. They call it a search for a reason. Maybe it should be called a treasure hunt instead - treasure hunts are harder than a "search". I've had a couple of responses. Nothing major or promosing yet. Tomorrow is another day.

My prediction for the Super Bowl, if anyone cares,
Pittsburgh (if you're a betting person, pick Arizon. My playoff picks were 80% WRONG). I just can't believe Kurt Warner keeps finding ways to win. Maybe the Cowboys should consider bringing him to Dallas and replace ROMO. Warner does come to play and is a little more competitive than ROMO - Mr Pretty Boy. Being a Giant fan, I'd like to see the Cowboys keep Romo. Improves the Giants odds of winning the division every year.

No-one may ever read this - but I sure have a great time putting it together every week. Third week in a row.
I always wanted to be published - this is close enough.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Sis Birthday

Today is a special person's birthday:
My sister - by the way she is my OLDER sister. A person that her brother, parents and everyone that knows her are very proud of. . .

She is the one that was voted one of the 25 most influential women bankers in America.

Jac - we love you.
Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekly Update

Second week in a row? . . .
Emily, started her spring semester at UMKC (Univ. Mo. Kansas City) this week. In addition, she got a JOB yesterday. She is going to be working at a new AMC concept theater for their chain - offering wait service, leather chairs, food options, etc. She is very excited to have the job and working with AMC on the new concept. We wish her well. She told us last summer she would not be coming back to the Lake of the Ozarks - she would be staying in KC. Looks like she's working her plan.
Abby is enjoying her second semester in the flag corp. As much as she has been enjoying it, I think she wishes she would have been in it before now. Isn't that the way it always works - if I only knew then what I know now (I can certain agree with that in a lot of ways) . . . She still working VERY part-time at Marshall's. Making enough for gas - but still ask for extra gas money from mom and dad. Amazing how that works - especially with gas prices staying down (at least below $1.70/gas - $1.59 now).
Susie is doing very well at Osage National - does a FANASTIC job. The members all love her. Love her so much they gave her a spreader for Christmas (there's a joke there - all the men at the clubhouse got bottles of wine - all the women got butter spreaders). Sexist maybe?

On the political front, we do have a new president starting the job next week - it can't be worse. Life has to get better - doesn't it?
Attitude is everything - so please tell you friends, family, dogs, cats, hampsters, deer in the backyard - CHANGE your attitude. You gotta give a little, laugh a little . . . Spend baby spend. As Bush said after 9/11 - go to the mall.
You know, I've been going to the mall - the problem is I can't afford to buy anything. LOL

Job hunt is in full swing. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a hit. But, it's in the early innings. Plenty more at bats coming my way.

Questions for the week:
Was the Big 12 over-rated or what?
Why didn't Eli Manning show up for the game against Philly on Sunday? Did he think they were playing the late game and wasn't ready? Looked like it.

Have a great week.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Post of 2009

I'm in the condo finishing breakfast - actually eating a piece of fruit cake with my coffee (don't laugh) it is a great way to start the day or finish off your breakfast.
Today is supposed to be a beautiful day at Lake of the Ozarks - planning to sneak in 9-holes of golf with a couple of friends - if they can get away from the office.

You're probably asking why I'm in the condo? It's a long story - but to keep it short and simple:
With no rentals this time of year and a lot of things to get caught up on and LOOK FOR A JOB, I'm utilizing the condo for an office. That way I'm not distracted on doing things around the house or walking the dogs all the time. It seems to be working. New cover letter is almost done - hoping to get out three or four resumes today.