Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time for Change

Today was inauguration day. From reading different post on facebook and the web, many are glad to see a change. One post read ~ "(I) am thrilled to have finally awaken from a horrific eight year nightmare". Couldn't have said it better - but credit, where credit is due, my cousin wrote it and posted it on facebook.
We have been challenged by our new president to help our neighbor and volunteer. What have you done different today? Who have you helped? If not today, tomorrow?

I watched Woody Allen's movie Manhattan this weekend. The last line is perfect for today: "Have a little faith in people"

Hope you got a chance to watch the inauguration. If not, you probably have seen 25 replays since getting home from work. Believe it or not, the political junkie that I am, the tv is actually on an NBA game. This week is direct-tv's free NBA TICKET preview week. Since the Oklahoma City Thunder finally won two games in a row this past week, I've become an NBA fan. Actually, I have had the opportunity, thanks to my sister, to attend a couple of games and have had a blast - even own an OKC Thunder t-shirt. I'm an official fan.

Consider this for your health . . .
More cocoa means more health benefits, so select darker chocolate.
Full of flavonols, or antioxidants, shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and lower LDL - "bad" - cholesterol.
Helps lift your mood by secreting neurotransmitters such as serotnin and endorphins.
Eat about 3 oz a day.

I'm no M.D. (Me Doctor). But I ran across this at a grocery store health desk and thought it was worth sharing. Anything is good in moderation. The other side of the sheet was the benefits of Red Wine. I'll share those next week. Based upon health benefits of dark chocolate and Red Wine - I must be in great shape?

Update on the job-search. They call it a search for a reason. Maybe it should be called a treasure hunt instead - treasure hunts are harder than a "search". I've had a couple of responses. Nothing major or promosing yet. Tomorrow is another day.

My prediction for the Super Bowl, if anyone cares,
Pittsburgh (if you're a betting person, pick Arizon. My playoff picks were 80% WRONG). I just can't believe Kurt Warner keeps finding ways to win. Maybe the Cowboys should consider bringing him to Dallas and replace ROMO. Warner does come to play and is a little more competitive than ROMO - Mr Pretty Boy. Being a Giant fan, I'd like to see the Cowboys keep Romo. Improves the Giants odds of winning the division every year.

No-one may ever read this - but I sure have a great time putting it together every week. Third week in a row.
I always wanted to be published - this is close enough.

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