Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekly Update

Second week in a row? . . .
Emily, started her spring semester at UMKC (Univ. Mo. Kansas City) this week. In addition, she got a JOB yesterday. She is going to be working at a new AMC concept theater for their chain - offering wait service, leather chairs, food options, etc. She is very excited to have the job and working with AMC on the new concept. We wish her well. She told us last summer she would not be coming back to the Lake of the Ozarks - she would be staying in KC. Looks like she's working her plan.
Abby is enjoying her second semester in the flag corp. As much as she has been enjoying it, I think she wishes she would have been in it before now. Isn't that the way it always works - if I only knew then what I know now (I can certain agree with that in a lot of ways) . . . She still working VERY part-time at Marshall's. Making enough for gas - but still ask for extra gas money from mom and dad. Amazing how that works - especially with gas prices staying down (at least below $1.70/gas - $1.59 now).
Susie is doing very well at Osage National - does a FANASTIC job. The members all love her. Love her so much they gave her a spreader for Christmas (there's a joke there - all the men at the clubhouse got bottles of wine - all the women got butter spreaders). Sexist maybe?

On the political front, we do have a new president starting the job next week - it can't be worse. Life has to get better - doesn't it?
Attitude is everything - so please tell you friends, family, dogs, cats, hampsters, deer in the backyard - CHANGE your attitude. You gotta give a little, laugh a little . . . Spend baby spend. As Bush said after 9/11 - go to the mall.
You know, I've been going to the mall - the problem is I can't afford to buy anything. LOL

Job hunt is in full swing. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a hit. But, it's in the early innings. Plenty more at bats coming my way.

Questions for the week:
Was the Big 12 over-rated or what?
Why didn't Eli Manning show up for the game against Philly on Sunday? Did he think they were playing the late game and wasn't ready? Looked like it.

Have a great week.

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