Tuesday, August 2, 2011


July 29 - 31

July 29 - Officially left Steamboat for Winter Park
Camped two nights at Stagecoach State Park (Wed and Thurs nights) - got into Steamboat on Wednesday the 27th.  Was very sad to be driving into Steamboat and realizing this adventure was coming to an end - but a new adventure would be beginning soon.

Car, yes car - bought in Flagstaff to get back to Steamboat to move and have for new job and location (hated every minute of buying it), loaded it with half my "stuff" from my 3x5 storage. 

July 31 - Hiked to lake - different way to view the continental divide - last few times were on the bike. 

Almost six miles round trip.  Hard to believe this hike included forest, stream, water falls and SNOW - yes SNOW!

Believe it or not, clean shaven for the new "job" - real world test.

Hard to believe a just over a week earlier I was hiking the Grand Canyon to Plateau Point at 120 degrees . . .

Another day on the journey - the journey called life.  I wish there was more time to update my blog to share the experiences of my trip - just for my own sake to keep the memories. 

It was people, the places and the time to think about family and friends.  Already planning the next trip. Unfortunately, I don't forsee the timeframe or the circumstances will ever be the same - that's what made this so special.  Thank you for your thoughts and sharing this adventure.  Maybe by the next trip, I will have the  journal complete. 

Friday, July 22, 2011



Arrived in Flagstaff, AZ yesterday afternoon after a week at the Grand Canyon.
What a wonderful adventure - the ride, the places, the people, the peace, wouldn't trade the experience for the world. 

Made it to the Grand Canyon on Day 14 (July 14) at 7:30 pm - forgetting that Arizona is on Mountain Standard Time until 2 days later it was actually 6:30 pm. Interesting story on how I got a place to stay on a Thursday night in a campground at the Grand Canyon - (post sometime over the next few days). Stayed at Desert View Campground for five nights (actually 4 out of 5).  792 miles to the eastern entrance.

The reason the blog has been on hold has been limited or no internet access since leaving Durango.  Two days at Mesa Verde (a must see as far as I'm concerned), two LONG days crossing northeast Arizona which is Navajo Indian Reservation (will post more on that part of the trip later) and then a week at the Grand Canyon.  Honestly have to say, I didn't miss not having access.  Had very limited, random access with my iphone at the Grand Canyon.  But honestly, had other things to do than spend too much time typing on a small screen :)

The before leaving, I did a 12 mile round-trip hike to Plateau Point in the Canyon - 120 degrees at the point.  But worth it.

Nice view of the Colorado river from the point.  Wicked, wild waters.  Maybe it is a little like each of us at certain points ~ from far away looking down, we all look calm and peaceful, but when we get up close, we see a different person (good or bad depends on the person's attitude). 

Spending two nights in Flagstaff.  Bought a car yesterday afternoon (yes, after two years, I finally bought a car - don't plan to use it much but this was plan A on getting back to Steamboat and there really was no Plan B - had time to think about it after over 960 miles on a bike - but didn't have one - LOL).  Glad it worked out.  Now to plan the trip back.  Thinking about Bryce Canyon and Mt Zion in Utah and Moab.  Don't know.  Maybe back through Pagosa Springs?  Still on an adventure . . . the adventure is called life. 

Live life and enjoy every day.  Take time to meet new people and talk to them.  It's the people that have made this trip most enjoyable.  

Saturday, July 9, 2011


July 9
OFF DAY - taking the day off and spending the Day in Durango - last night it stormed, VERY strong winds, horizontal rains, rain and thunder all night.  I was downtown having dinner when the storm came and was a nervous wreck what I would find after taking the shuttle back to the campground.  Got back to the campground just before 10 and my little tent held up - High and Dry.
Total miles through yesterday:  442.3 in 8 days

Day 8 - Pagosa to Durango and to campground 67.8 miles
Day 7 - South Fork to Pagosa (my favorite day) 45.0 miles
Day 6 - Saguache to South Fork (uneventful) 54.5 miles

Day 7 has been my favorite so far.  Sixth pass in seven days. 
Wolf Creek Pass to the continental divide was an incredible adventure. Two tunnels on the ride up.  Stopped at a pond early in the climb, met an interesting family from Kentucky spending two weeks in Colorado.  Young gentleman that took my pic has published photos in Sports Illustrated for the last two years from the Kentucky Derby - taking pics my little digital probably was an embarrassment for him (maybe more for me :) - hardly).

Finally reaching the summit, the last mile was tough, met a gentleman hiking the Continental Divide, Mark from Wisconsin.  We talked for a while - took each other's picture.  He was hitch hiking to Pagosa to spend the night and pick up supplies.  Saw him again when we got to Pagosa. 

Took time to take in a "brief hike" on the summit.  Wolf Creek and Tennessee passes have been my favorite.  The ride down Wolf Creek was tough.  HUGE S turn, cross winds, road construction, carrying my load, a little scary at times.  Fortunately, no one could go very fast.  

Once reaching the bottom, I stopped and took in a hike to see Treasure Falls.  Met interesting people on the hike from Mass. and Houston.  Everyone so relaxed and enjoying themselves.  What life should be - everyday!!!

Made it Pagosa, stayed in a INEXPENSIVE, aka cheap, motel with no ac.  They offered a bicylist rate of $45.  Not bad since the forecast was for rain  - and it did up raining over night.  Good choice - although it wasn't much of a rain - didn't wake me up - would have since I had the window open - lol.
Went the to Hot Springs after dinner in the park.  Natural Hot Spings. Great spot.  Met a local gentleman who as a competitive cyclist and his two sons were also. One lives in Steamboat and won medals in the '84 Olympics - Grewal was his last name.  We talked for a long time about cycling and he couldn't believe I was riding my 20 plus year old mountain bike, loaded, through the passes. Great conversation.  

Highlights Day 7 (South Fork to Pagosa) - click on arrow to display slideshow.

Highlights Day 6 (South Fork to Pagosa Springs) - click on arrow to dispaly slideshow

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


July 5
Daily Milage:  72.2; Trip Total:  285.0.

Day 5 was an adventure.  Nice start after staying in a KOA outside of Buena Vista (host couple was from Asher, OK, 2nd couple was from Wichita - not a bad place to be in comparison to those places?). Had to be quiet getting around to leave - can they put campsites any closer together?  Best night sleep camping - still up by 5.

Nice neighbors. Sharon and Lowell from Newton, KS.  They had been at the same site last year and were reserved for four nights.  It's nice - but . . . WIth all the National forest and other places to see?  Buena Vista, CO?  To each his own. 
They had packed their camping gear at the end of their trip last year and unpacked it when they set up the tent this year.  Like that approach.  Couldn't get the cover off the ax because they had put it away wet.  WHOOPS.  At least air it out when you get home?


Flat tire just outside of Villa Grove - three to four miles.  Nice shoulder except for the piece of glass that decided to create that least desired sound:   szszszszszszszszszszszsz

Felt like I was in Alva (or in Oklahoma in general)- wind, wind, wind. 


Headwinds riding up the seven miles to the summit of Poncha Pass. 

On my way up, met Don (may have been Dan) riding his loaded bike - back and front panniers plus a lot of other storage.  He was riding from Michigan.  Roade to Baton Rouge, across Texas to Albuquerque then north to where we met.  Was headed to HWY 50 across to Utah and then north and back across South Dakota back to Michigan.  I felt like my ride was a nothing in comparison.  An artist from Texas took my pic. Young gentleman that was going to start Grad school at Adam State in Alamosa, CO.  Shared some dried cranberries - had a nice visit. Not a bad place for a chat.

Day 5 - 5th pass. One a day. 
Taking a break on Day Six.
Not doing Wolf Creek Pass until Day 7.
Hoping to spend a couple of days in Pagosa Springs.  Rain in the forecast for the rest of the week.  Probably one more night in a motel this week and camping - risking it the rest of the time. . . You know, I never get tired of the mountains.  

A few pics from Day 5 (click on the arrow to view slideshow):

When I'm not riding into headwinds and riding in the granniest of granny gears, it is great time to sing, think about new goals and relfect and learn from the past. Great adventure - couldn't come at a better time!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011


4th of July - 4th Day

Spent the night at Camp Hale National Park Campground just before Tennessee Pass (10,424 ft).   

Woke up early 4:30ish - wind, cool (42 degrees plus wind chill).  Had to layer to load and ride the first section. 

Great morning for a ride (left at 6:30) - quiet, little traffic, wind let up and made it to the top with NO problems. 

57.2 miles today. Maintaining my 50 plus miles average/day.  212.8 after 4 days. 
Weather permitting - 65 tomorrow.  Want to get to Pagosa Springs by Thursday to spend a couple of days in the natural springs and relax.  But - what's the hurry - there is no real agenda.  Lovin' the pace.  stop, take in a town, maybe a breakfast, maybe a nap - no agenda.  Just have to be ready for work by August 2.
Yes, I did get the job in Winter Park - very excited.
Appreciate everyone's thoughts and good karma. 
Love you all.

Happy 4th.

A few additional pics from the 4th - day 4 (click on arrow to view):

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Day Three will be an easy day.
Day One - left Steamboat by 9:30 after Post Office Stop, a couple of drop offs.
Made it up Rabbit Ears - onto the Reservoir north of Kremmling (46 miles)
Day Two - left campground at 7:30 am thru Gore Pass (much easier than Rabbit Ears).
Ended up in Avon missed upgrading my phone in Edwards - so, after 75 miles and two monster climbs, I treated myself to a motel, pasta dinner and 9 1/2 hours of sleep.  Body said rest.
Day Three - Finally in the 21st century (upgraded my old phone to Abby's old i-phone). Today I have planned a short ride in prep for ride to Leadville tomorrow. 

No pics using the lobby computer before I leave.
By the way, the ride out of State Bridge to Wolcott was TOUGH - tougher than Rabbit Ears or Gore Pass.

Grand Canyon, here I come . . .

Friday, July 1, 2011


With some time off, I am pursuing a life long dream of a road trip (on my bike).
Planned Destination:  Grand Canyon (time allowing - post for another day).

Leaving Steamboat this morning after my morning Starbucks and visiting friends.  Hope to be on the road by 6:30am.
I will be posting on my blog and updates on facebook when internet and phone service will allow.  There will be days at a time I will be without service. 

DAY ONE:  Steamboat through Rabbit Ears Pass to Gore Pass (probably won't make it through both on day one).
Rabbit Ears Pass Gain in altitude 5987 ft a lot of climbing
Road Biking Colorado

Details about some of the routes and passes can be read about in:
Pic link is to Amazon

Today's ride is ROUTE 129 in the book

Planned route:
Hwy 40 to Route 134 through Gore pass
Route 134 to 131 (131 to Avon) to route 24
Route 24 to Leadville
Leadville to Pagosa Springs
Pagosa Springs to Durango
Durango to the Grand Canyon
If time allows, I want to go to the North rim.
If not, I'll join everyone else at the South rim.

Goal is to average 50 miles a day - which isn't that much.

Been riding and training.
Pics from my recent weekend training ride to Yampa and Stagecoach.  I'm ready. 

Wish me luck. 
Some of you would have tried to talk me out of it and told me how "dangerous" it is - blah, blah.
I'm looking forward to the time on the road - hope to clear my mind and get life back in order. . .

Love you all.
Peace, Love and Hope

Gotta get ready to hit the road..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer - New Adventures Begin

First day of Summer and New Adventures Begin . . .

    Buffalo Pass (note:  this ride was not on 6/21)

It is amazing how life evolves and what we get to experience along the way.  Sometimes you just deal with the situation and it's easy.  Other times you deal with it the best you can. 
At this juncture, it is deal with it the best I can ~ pursue a high school dream.
In the meantime, it is time to rest, regroup and get life in order.
Then . . . (more to come in the next few days). . .

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Wishes to a Special Friend

As life changes and we experience new beginnings, we never forget special people and special times. 

To a very dear friend and a wonderful, caring mother to Emily and Abby, I sincerely say thank you and wish you Happy Mother's Day.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day? Snow Day?

Snowed the last two days and more is forecast for the weekend.  What day is it?