Saturday, July 9, 2011


July 9
OFF DAY - taking the day off and spending the Day in Durango - last night it stormed, VERY strong winds, horizontal rains, rain and thunder all night.  I was downtown having dinner when the storm came and was a nervous wreck what I would find after taking the shuttle back to the campground.  Got back to the campground just before 10 and my little tent held up - High and Dry.
Total miles through yesterday:  442.3 in 8 days

Day 8 - Pagosa to Durango and to campground 67.8 miles
Day 7 - South Fork to Pagosa (my favorite day) 45.0 miles
Day 6 - Saguache to South Fork (uneventful) 54.5 miles

Day 7 has been my favorite so far.  Sixth pass in seven days. 
Wolf Creek Pass to the continental divide was an incredible adventure. Two tunnels on the ride up.  Stopped at a pond early in the climb, met an interesting family from Kentucky spending two weeks in Colorado.  Young gentleman that took my pic has published photos in Sports Illustrated for the last two years from the Kentucky Derby - taking pics my little digital probably was an embarrassment for him (maybe more for me :) - hardly).

Finally reaching the summit, the last mile was tough, met a gentleman hiking the Continental Divide, Mark from Wisconsin.  We talked for a while - took each other's picture.  He was hitch hiking to Pagosa to spend the night and pick up supplies.  Saw him again when we got to Pagosa. 

Took time to take in a "brief hike" on the summit.  Wolf Creek and Tennessee passes have been my favorite.  The ride down Wolf Creek was tough.  HUGE S turn, cross winds, road construction, carrying my load, a little scary at times.  Fortunately, no one could go very fast.  

Once reaching the bottom, I stopped and took in a hike to see Treasure Falls.  Met interesting people on the hike from Mass. and Houston.  Everyone so relaxed and enjoying themselves.  What life should be - everyday!!!

Made it Pagosa, stayed in a INEXPENSIVE, aka cheap, motel with no ac.  They offered a bicylist rate of $45.  Not bad since the forecast was for rain  - and it did up raining over night.  Good choice - although it wasn't much of a rain - didn't wake me up - would have since I had the window open - lol.
Went the to Hot Springs after dinner in the park.  Natural Hot Spings. Great spot.  Met a local gentleman who as a competitive cyclist and his two sons were also. One lives in Steamboat and won medals in the '84 Olympics - Grewal was his last name.  We talked for a long time about cycling and he couldn't believe I was riding my 20 plus year old mountain bike, loaded, through the passes. Great conversation.  

Highlights Day 7 (South Fork to Pagosa) - click on arrow to display slideshow.

Highlights Day 6 (South Fork to Pagosa Springs) - click on arrow to dispaly slideshow

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