Sunday, July 3, 2011


Day Three will be an easy day.
Day One - left Steamboat by 9:30 after Post Office Stop, a couple of drop offs.
Made it up Rabbit Ears - onto the Reservoir north of Kremmling (46 miles)
Day Two - left campground at 7:30 am thru Gore Pass (much easier than Rabbit Ears).
Ended up in Avon missed upgrading my phone in Edwards - so, after 75 miles and two monster climbs, I treated myself to a motel, pasta dinner and 9 1/2 hours of sleep.  Body said rest.
Day Three - Finally in the 21st century (upgraded my old phone to Abby's old i-phone). Today I have planned a short ride in prep for ride to Leadville tomorrow. 

No pics using the lobby computer before I leave.
By the way, the ride out of State Bridge to Wolcott was TOUGH - tougher than Rabbit Ears or Gore Pass.

Grand Canyon, here I come . . .

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