Wednesday, July 6, 2011


July 5
Daily Milage:  72.2; Trip Total:  285.0.

Day 5 was an adventure.  Nice start after staying in a KOA outside of Buena Vista (host couple was from Asher, OK, 2nd couple was from Wichita - not a bad place to be in comparison to those places?). Had to be quiet getting around to leave - can they put campsites any closer together?  Best night sleep camping - still up by 5.

Nice neighbors. Sharon and Lowell from Newton, KS.  They had been at the same site last year and were reserved for four nights.  It's nice - but . . . WIth all the National forest and other places to see?  Buena Vista, CO?  To each his own. 
They had packed their camping gear at the end of their trip last year and unpacked it when they set up the tent this year.  Like that approach.  Couldn't get the cover off the ax because they had put it away wet.  WHOOPS.  At least air it out when you get home?


Flat tire just outside of Villa Grove - three to four miles.  Nice shoulder except for the piece of glass that decided to create that least desired sound:   szszszszszszszszszszszsz

Felt like I was in Alva (or in Oklahoma in general)- wind, wind, wind. 


Headwinds riding up the seven miles to the summit of Poncha Pass. 

On my way up, met Don (may have been Dan) riding his loaded bike - back and front panniers plus a lot of other storage.  He was riding from Michigan.  Roade to Baton Rouge, across Texas to Albuquerque then north to where we met.  Was headed to HWY 50 across to Utah and then north and back across South Dakota back to Michigan.  I felt like my ride was a nothing in comparison.  An artist from Texas took my pic. Young gentleman that was going to start Grad school at Adam State in Alamosa, CO.  Shared some dried cranberries - had a nice visit. Not a bad place for a chat.

Day 5 - 5th pass. One a day. 
Taking a break on Day Six.
Not doing Wolf Creek Pass until Day 7.
Hoping to spend a couple of days in Pagosa Springs.  Rain in the forecast for the rest of the week.  Probably one more night in a motel this week and camping - risking it the rest of the time. . . You know, I never get tired of the mountains.  

A few pics from Day 5 (click on the arrow to view slideshow):

When I'm not riding into headwinds and riding in the granniest of granny gears, it is great time to sing, think about new goals and relfect and learn from the past. Great adventure - couldn't come at a better time!!!

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