Friday, July 22, 2011



Arrived in Flagstaff, AZ yesterday afternoon after a week at the Grand Canyon.
What a wonderful adventure - the ride, the places, the people, the peace, wouldn't trade the experience for the world. 

Made it to the Grand Canyon on Day 14 (July 14) at 7:30 pm - forgetting that Arizona is on Mountain Standard Time until 2 days later it was actually 6:30 pm. Interesting story on how I got a place to stay on a Thursday night in a campground at the Grand Canyon - (post sometime over the next few days). Stayed at Desert View Campground for five nights (actually 4 out of 5).  792 miles to the eastern entrance.

The reason the blog has been on hold has been limited or no internet access since leaving Durango.  Two days at Mesa Verde (a must see as far as I'm concerned), two LONG days crossing northeast Arizona which is Navajo Indian Reservation (will post more on that part of the trip later) and then a week at the Grand Canyon.  Honestly have to say, I didn't miss not having access.  Had very limited, random access with my iphone at the Grand Canyon.  But honestly, had other things to do than spend too much time typing on a small screen :)

The before leaving, I did a 12 mile round-trip hike to Plateau Point in the Canyon - 120 degrees at the point.  But worth it.

Nice view of the Colorado river from the point.  Wicked, wild waters.  Maybe it is a little like each of us at certain points ~ from far away looking down, we all look calm and peaceful, but when we get up close, we see a different person (good or bad depends on the person's attitude). 

Spending two nights in Flagstaff.  Bought a car yesterday afternoon (yes, after two years, I finally bought a car - don't plan to use it much but this was plan A on getting back to Steamboat and there really was no Plan B - had time to think about it after over 960 miles on a bike - but didn't have one - LOL).  Glad it worked out.  Now to plan the trip back.  Thinking about Bryce Canyon and Mt Zion in Utah and Moab.  Don't know.  Maybe back through Pagosa Springs?  Still on an adventure . . . the adventure is called life. 

Live life and enjoy every day.  Take time to meet new people and talk to them.  It's the people that have made this trip most enjoyable.  

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