Monday, July 4, 2011


4th of July - 4th Day

Spent the night at Camp Hale National Park Campground just before Tennessee Pass (10,424 ft).   

Woke up early 4:30ish - wind, cool (42 degrees plus wind chill).  Had to layer to load and ride the first section. 

Great morning for a ride (left at 6:30) - quiet, little traffic, wind let up and made it to the top with NO problems. 

57.2 miles today. Maintaining my 50 plus miles average/day.  212.8 after 4 days. 
Weather permitting - 65 tomorrow.  Want to get to Pagosa Springs by Thursday to spend a couple of days in the natural springs and relax.  But - what's the hurry - there is no real agenda.  Lovin' the pace.  stop, take in a town, maybe a breakfast, maybe a nap - no agenda.  Just have to be ready for work by August 2.
Yes, I did get the job in Winter Park - very excited.
Appreciate everyone's thoughts and good karma. 
Love you all.

Happy 4th.

A few additional pics from the 4th - day 4 (click on arrow to view):

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