Thursday, December 24, 2009


Celebrating the holidays in Steamboat - thinking about family and wishing everyone a great holiday. Abby and I enjoyed your thoughtfulness and sharing tonight. We both worked today and will be working again tomorrow - although the slopes will be calling me for a few runs Christmas morning. It's already below zero. Will be a cold walk to the bus tomorrow morning.
Had a great visit to OKC in early December to see mom, dad, Jac and her family (sorry I missed you Natalie), Marge and Jim. Thanks Jac for the THunder game (great to see the Celtics play).

Click on the arrow to view as slideshow or if you double click on the pictures, it will take you to my flickr account and you'll see my comments about each photo (a coule are somewhat entertaining).
Marge and Jim, thanks for the fruit cake. Love a slice for breakfast with coffee. Can't wait.
Look forward to hosting a visitor or two during the winter for skiing and the hot springs.
Happy Holidays!!

December 2009 -Steamboat

Abby and I enjoyed Emily's visit to Steamboat - great way to escape after the end of a tough semester. Emily skied five days while she was here, took in the hot springs, met Lynne, shopped, enjoyed a few drinks with dad around town. Great time.
Abby and I celebrated the Holidays between work. Abby took a powder run on the way to work today (12/24/09) - mountain got 10 inches last night.

Hoping to take in a couple of runs Christmas morning - great time to be on the slopes.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

First snow and moose encounters

November 13, 2009 - first "real" snow in Steamboat, 09-10 winter season.
November 14 - one below on the walk to work - saw a moose - see pics below to see it. See it every day - just don't normally have the camera.

Abby is lovin' Steamboat. Enjoying hikes and early morning excursions to watch stars fall from the sky? Not a great show. Breakfast was good though.

Emily will be in Steamboat in a few weeks. Hope we get a lot more snow between now and then.

Thanksgiving is a week away - go figure. Where has the year gone?

Thunder beats Miami to go a game over 500. Go Thunder

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How much can happen in a month?

How time flies . . .

Susie made a visit to Steamboat - coldest and snowiest we've had sine I've been here. A reminder of why she hates the snow and cold
- although we did have a great warming food from Winona's-a wonderful homemade cinnamon roll

Abby made the move to Colorado - STEAMBOAT and loves it. It really isn't that hard. It's such a great spot. Abby has a basic place - but great location, great view, what more can you ask for . .
a Sunday afternoon at the Hot Springs was enjoyable. I found someone to talk with about the economy and politics - go figure. Actually, someone I could agree with - that didn't happen very often in MO. Looking forward to a day of skiing in the not too distant future. Watch for pics. . .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

September Notes

It'a hard to believe September is over.
Had a great visit to Kansas City. Abby and I took in two of the four RED SOX games - fortunately it was the last two - the two the RED SOX won.
Emily met us for lunch on Thursday and gave us the grand tour of the AMC downtown theater where she works. Very nice. Hope next time to take in a movie.
This week the weather has been fantastic - great day for a hike. Rode up to Fish Creek Falls. Great day for a 10 mile hike (5 up to Long Lake and 5 back). The lake is at 9800 feet - increase in elevation for the hike is 2400 ft.

Abby and I had great seats for the games - that's what happens mid-week in September - plenty of seats available. Included in the pictures are two of our new "friends". The usher and our waitress were very friendly and we had a great time talking with them. They were dreading the Twins visiting next - Twins fans aren't the nicest. Abby and I can vouch for that after our visit to Minneapolis a couple of years ago.
A couple of quick pics and an on-top of the world advertisement for Coppermark Bank.

Abby is moving to Steamboat to work for the winter. Coming in late October to spend a week or so with me prior to moving into her apartment that she is sharing with three other workers.

Keep in touch.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Out for a while

It's time to take a break.
Leo Buscalia said: Everyday, "Laugh, Learn and Love someone. . ." OK?
Lovin' life.
But I need a break.
Love you all.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Scenes from a Summer Sunday in Steamboat

Not sure you can call it a Summer Sunday when you start your day with a bike ride, downhill, with frost on the roofs and lawns and the themometer at 28 degrees? What day is it? August 16, 2009.
Not sure if you care, but here are some pics from me taking a half day off and enjoying a slow paced Sunday biking and relaxing in Steamboat.

I'm officially celebrating two months without a car and doing what I can to save our environment. Every Saturday - it's the farmers market for local produce, walk and bike everywhere (at least once a week I have to take a cab home - my grocery shopping day), take my own cup to Starbucks for coffee and got my landlord to start weekly recycling with WasteManagement. What have you done lately?
In a couple of weeks, it will be five months in Steamboat. Lovin' it.

There is a link, if you click on the "Scenes of a Summer Sunday in Steamboat" title, above. This is a link to Flickr that will give you descriptions of some of the pictures.
The last three pics (prior to the sunset) are taken on my bike ride home-my daily commute.

A few political comments:
RECESSION? This home started in May - you need a crane for how long to complete this project? I'm thinking we're on the rebound.

A note on health care. My feeling about the "Loud/Obnoxious (and many other words) protesters" must have good health. The day they get an illness and get a notice from their insurance company that they are being cancelled - maybe they'll change their tune. To paraphrase a few letters I've seen in the paper: American's Health Care only Cares if your Healthy. How true is that.

I guess I've touched on two of my passions in this post - the environment and healthcare.

Just finished a book about Buck O'Neil from the Negro Leagues. I can't believe the hatred this country showed towards "others". Let's COEXIST. We're all human.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Morning Walk

Another beautiful morning for a walk in Steamboat.

What was your communte like this morning on your way to work?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Abby's Graduation - May 2009

Long overdue for an update . . .
I left my camera in Emily's trunk when getting dropped off at the KC airport after Abby's graduation celebration.
Most of you have heard the story - for those that haven't, I spare you the details.
Can't believe Abby is starting a new chapter in her life.
Both daughters out of high school, a junior in college next semester - a sure sign of old age? I think so.
School of the Osage graduations are always fun - Hats always win!! Fortunately, I've only had the occassion to attend two graduations and each time my brother and I count the number of neck-ties vs "ball" caps. Ball caps have won each time - probably do every year!

Congratulations Abby!
Glad you made a final statement by wearing your "2009" glasses!

click on "arrow" to show slideshow:

So proud of you and Emily.
You girls rock!

Love you!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Missed the Storm

There's a reason they call this time of year MUD-SEASON. It could just as easy be called the "blight - unattractive sight" of winter past.

The storm that hit Denver and surrounding area, April 17, 2009, measured in feet not inches - upto four feet in some areas. Steamboat, we got none. It was sunny and 46 degrees - great evening for a walk to town.

Steamboat has a walking/biking trail that parallels the infamous railroad tracks. Infamous? The train's schedule thru Steamboat, at least twice a week, is at 4am. Unless your closer to the moutain - it probably wakes you up. It does me. After a couple of weeks, I can at least roll over and go back to sleep.

A few more pics. I'm enjoying walking a lot. Can't wait to get my bike in June.

Lovin' life in Steamboat.

Finishing my second week. Getting a handle on the new job. Lot's of opportunities.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter - new beginnings

Oh, to celebrate Easter without Cadbury Creme Eggs would be a sin - don't know if Susie put them in my moving box before I left or the Easter Bunny was making early rounds at Lake of the Ozarks. It may seem confusing - but the pine tree is not an easter decoration. There were four eggs, then three and now only two are left.

Quick history of the Easter Egg:
The egg is widely used as a symbol of the start of new life, just as new life emerges from an egg when the chick hatches out.
The ancient Persians painted eggs for Nowrooz, their New Year celebration, which falls on the Spring equinox. The Nawrooz tradition has existed for at least 2,500 years.
From Wikipedia (of course)
New job, New location, New beginning - my life fits right into the season and the egg tradition (just hope it's not rotten-sorry, always have to throw in a little bad humor). . .
Not sure they envisioned Hershey making chocolate covered creme filled eggs - but I'm glad Hershey did.

Here's a few pics from Steamboat - not great - but will give you an overview of my surrounding right now. Most of the pics were taken from the parking lot of the Hilltop property. Hilltop offers view (hence the name) and the Suites location is a little closer to the mountain and some shopping. Don't have any from downtown or inside pics. Those will come later.

We've had warm weather this past week and a tremendous amount of snow-melt. They call late April and most of May MUD-SEASON for a reason. We're wondering how many dead bodies we'll find on the properties once the snow drifts melt.

Have a great Easter - I think about everyone often.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Week Later

Finishing my first week at Steamboat. Settling in to the new environment, new job and finally adjusted to the altitude. Took a nice walk last night and wasn't gasping for air. Walked back from downtown (approx. 1.5 miles) after watching a little of the OKC Thunder basketball game in a SMOKE-FREE sports bar.

Travel plans are set for Abby's graduation - it's hard to believe she is graduting from high school. Time goes so fast. Dealing with recent snows and snow forecast for today and being back in a ski town - as a matter of face it is snowing now (only supposed to get an inch or so today)- it reminds me of the family move to Hunter, NY when Emily was just starting school and Abby was in pre-school. It seems like only yesterday.

I'm hoping to be back at Lake of the Ozarks Wednesday morning, May 20 (have a late night flight into KC on Tues).

Blogs, facebook notes and postings, phone calls are all great - but it's not the same as being with the people you love.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Made it to Steamboat yesterday (Thurs, April 2) after lunch after 900 plus miles. Hit snow Wednesday night (April fools day - appropriate I guess) just after getting into Colorado. Traveled with a group of trucks at 20 to 40 mph for 20 plus miles.

Steamboat has grown dramatically from the pictures I remember at Sugarbush (when Amercian Skiing Company owned it-along with Sugarbush). It reminds me of an overgrown Stowe, VT with a lot of chains, including Starbucks, with a Sugarbush attitude - laid back.

Settled into my condo unit. Older property. I'll post pics this weekend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Click on the arrow above to view slide-show

Does this look like training? Probably not.
Marc and I had a great day at the Houston Astros spring training camp on Sunday, March 22, 2009 (Chelsea's birthday).
Cord enjoyed the game with us.
Had a great birthday dinner - Marc actually found this place. Saturday night - well, that was a different story.
While I was in training, for new job on Monday, Marc went back to spring training saw George H.W. Bush who was attending the game.
Today is Tuesday - it's the first day to sit outside in shorts and feel comfortable. Rained yesterday - I wanted to sue the state's tourism department for false advertising: "sunshine" state?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can't Sleep

It's a little after 3am.
Can't sleep. Been up since 2.
Too much going on. Finalizing taxes, packing for a week of training, packing to move and trying to figure out
"the rest of the story" . . .
My tribute to Paul Harvey.


For those too young to know, that is a TYPEWRITTER Mr. Harvey is typing on - long before computer keyboards.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Graduation Date

Believe IT of NOT?!
The School of the Osage District FINALLY selected a date for the 2009 High School Graduation.

They tried to tie-in to historic dates so they selected May 21st ~ the date Susie and I will be celebrating our 26th anniversary (unbelievable to think Susie is that old - I guess that makes me old too).

We'll have great deals on the new condos at Osage National - right down the street for those making the trip. Let us know if you need accommodations.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Job-Blog Update - NEW

Find a job in this market is TOUGH.

You get a lead, you work it, you work it and pray a lot and negotiate little.
Who's in the driver seat these days? Not the job seeker. On the news this morning, they showed a job fair in Florida - and looked like Gore was re-running for president - lines were around the corner to get in the building - but no-one could get in. (Sorry, bad humor) Seriously, there were too many people to count - all qualified. Little scary.

My two prospects I have been working are very different. Today, I got an offer (after a fourth interview) for a job in Steamboat Springs, CO. Well established timeshare company that is still growing. Susie and I are going to think about it and review all options tonight. But based on the current status, I'll probably be in Orlando for training in two weeks.

I started this post Wednesday evening.
Today, Friday, I'm faxing my signed Offer Letter and start March 23.
In today's market, a job, is a job, is a job.
Being a cart attendant at Osage National was lookiing like a real prospect for the spring and summer if something didn't happen soon.
I'm excited about it. Looking forward to being back in the ski business.
The company is Celebrity Resorts (

Monday, March 2, 2009

After the snow - enjoy a piece of chocolate or a glass of red wine (or both?)

Great snow this weekend - 4 inches or so. Of course, it did shut-down the area for the day.

I've had several request to re-post the benefits of Red Wine. Here it is. In addition, included are the benefits of Dark Chocolate. Eat, drink and be healthy . . . A little exercise is important too. Source: A nice print out from the local market.

Benefits of Red Wine
*Contains antioxidants shown to help protect your heart
*Studies indicate red wine may help lower blood pressure and reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke and certain cancers
*Drink in moderation for these health benefits. This means one 4oz glass a day for women and two 4oz glasses a day for men
*Studies also show grape juice may have the same health benefits as red wine
NOTE: This information is shared for FUN purposes - I TAKE NO responsibility for personal results you may or may not experience.

Benefits of Dark Chocolate
*More cocoa means more helath benefits, so select darker chocolate
*Full of flavonols, or antioxidants, shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and lower LDL - "bad" - cholesterol
*Helps lift your mood by secreting neurotransmitters such as serotonin and endorphins
*East about 3 oz a day

Take it for what it's worth - but I'm thinking neither one of these is a bad thing.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Job-blog update II

So yesterday:
10:00 am interview
went off at 10:30ish and lasted well over an hour. Very impressed with the individual and the company. Since it was the third interview, I'm hoping that I get a call today or tomorrow to schedule a flight to Orlando for a meeting with Corporate next week - say a prayer, keep your fingers crossed, send good karma.

My 5:30 interview on the other hand:
A couple of days ago I had my web-cam working, went to the local computer tech store yesterday afternoon to review the video conference set-up and configuration. I had everything right. 15 minutes before the interview I get my video set and ready - I'm looking at myself on the computer, everything is fine (can you tell where this is going?), we go to connect, my web cam program unloads. They can hear me, I can see them - but I'm gone. It was almost comical - this would be a 2009 version of an I LOVE LUCY episode.

I spent probably two hours trying to reconfigure, re-download. Finally got it working again. It's working this morning. I'm trying to coordinate a test for a followup this afternoon. Wish me luck. Send my computer good karma - it obviously needs it. They were real cool about it - this is their first try at this also. Live and learn. If this works, I'm going to expand my interest level to include parents and family. Pretty amazing stuff - it's thru window live messenger. Check it out.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Front Desk View of Obama's Speech

Obama Rocked!!
Feels right, feels good.
Great decision America!!!
Accountability? he made reference to this in his speech tonight:

NOTE: it would not let me link it - you'll have to access it yourself.
It's 2009 - but really it's Orwell's 1984.
Maybe time to re-read that book.

Job-blog update

Another day, another resume, two, three or four emailed. Another email followup, phone call, message or two, three, four or more.
Hopefully this week will be the most productive to date. I've had a second interview for a timeshare property manager position at a Colorado ski resort. Plus, I got a followup email from a worldwide home rental company after a second interview last week. Each seems promising - but with today's job and economic challenges - WHO KNOWS?

Some days its a challenge to maintain a positive attitude. That's why I don't read the paper daily anymore. Don't listen to NPR in the morning - still listen most evenings - but NOT in the morning.

Say a prayer, send good karma - whatever you can do to send positive waves my way this week and next while I continue this search in the worst economic times since . . .? Be optimistic - go spend money today and tomorrow and the day after that.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow Memories of Zack

Tuesday evening, after an afternoon of snowfall, I took a quiet, lonely walk to remember my friend and the family's friend - Zack.

This was our first "real" snow since he past away this summer. He was our Maine dog - adopted from the Humane Society of Knox County in Thomaston, ME, October 14, 1996. He loved the snow. Whether a long hike thru the woods in Maine or Vermont, or just laying around while we shoveled the drive or sidewalk, he loved the snow. Just like a kid - if it was snowing - he wanted to be outside.

Zack and I had many a long walks in the woods ~ during and after the snows. It would be so quiet. Nights with a full moon were our favorite. There was a hiking trail not too far from our condo at Sugarbush that we could access and hike and hike and hike. I would always take a beer or two. There was a place that had some fallen down trees that served as our resting spot. I would rest and sip a brew, Zack would rest a minute or two and be back to jumping, romping and running in the snow. Being part Newfoundland, the deeper the snow ~ the better.

This snowfall, this quiet night, made me think of you Zack. I miss you. We all miss you.

Please donate to your local animal shelter and encourage those wanting a pet to consider adoption. We recently (Abby recently) adopted our third from a shelter - they make great pets.

Monday, January 26, 2009

You know you're from . . .

I ran across this post card after moving to Missouri. It's been on the side of the fridge until recently. Even though it says Missouri, it could be anywhere! You probably know, if not today, in your past, someone that is like this:

You Know Your (spelling on postcard-even though it is incorrect) From MISSOURI IF:
You think potted meat on a saltine is an hor'dourve.
Directions to your house include, "Turn off the paved road".
Jack Daniels makes your list of most admired people.
Your family tree is a straight line.
You've ever worn a tube top to a wedding.
Your mother has ever been in a fist fight at a high school sports event.
Your dad walks you to school because you're in the same grade.
You consider a six pack of beer and a bug zapper to be quality entertainment.
You have a brother named bubba, junior, or Jim Bob.
You prominently display a gift you bought at Graceland.
You view the next family reunion as a chance to meet girls.
Your front porch collapses and kills more than 3 dogs.

It's a good laugh. Family treet straight line is one of the funniest.
Oh how life has changed for many (we hope).

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Time for Change

Today was inauguration day. From reading different post on facebook and the web, many are glad to see a change. One post read ~ "(I) am thrilled to have finally awaken from a horrific eight year nightmare". Couldn't have said it better - but credit, where credit is due, my cousin wrote it and posted it on facebook.
We have been challenged by our new president to help our neighbor and volunteer. What have you done different today? Who have you helped? If not today, tomorrow?

I watched Woody Allen's movie Manhattan this weekend. The last line is perfect for today: "Have a little faith in people"

Hope you got a chance to watch the inauguration. If not, you probably have seen 25 replays since getting home from work. Believe it or not, the political junkie that I am, the tv is actually on an NBA game. This week is direct-tv's free NBA TICKET preview week. Since the Oklahoma City Thunder finally won two games in a row this past week, I've become an NBA fan. Actually, I have had the opportunity, thanks to my sister, to attend a couple of games and have had a blast - even own an OKC Thunder t-shirt. I'm an official fan.

Consider this for your health . . .
More cocoa means more health benefits, so select darker chocolate.
Full of flavonols, or antioxidants, shown to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and lower LDL - "bad" - cholesterol.
Helps lift your mood by secreting neurotransmitters such as serotnin and endorphins.
Eat about 3 oz a day.

I'm no M.D. (Me Doctor). But I ran across this at a grocery store health desk and thought it was worth sharing. Anything is good in moderation. The other side of the sheet was the benefits of Red Wine. I'll share those next week. Based upon health benefits of dark chocolate and Red Wine - I must be in great shape?

Update on the job-search. They call it a search for a reason. Maybe it should be called a treasure hunt instead - treasure hunts are harder than a "search". I've had a couple of responses. Nothing major or promosing yet. Tomorrow is another day.

My prediction for the Super Bowl, if anyone cares,
Pittsburgh (if you're a betting person, pick Arizon. My playoff picks were 80% WRONG). I just can't believe Kurt Warner keeps finding ways to win. Maybe the Cowboys should consider bringing him to Dallas and replace ROMO. Warner does come to play and is a little more competitive than ROMO - Mr Pretty Boy. Being a Giant fan, I'd like to see the Cowboys keep Romo. Improves the Giants odds of winning the division every year.

No-one may ever read this - but I sure have a great time putting it together every week. Third week in a row.
I always wanted to be published - this is close enough.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Sis Birthday

Today is a special person's birthday:
My sister - by the way she is my OLDER sister. A person that her brother, parents and everyone that knows her are very proud of. . .

She is the one that was voted one of the 25 most influential women bankers in America.

Jac - we love you.
Happy Birthday!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Weekly Update

Second week in a row? . . .
Emily, started her spring semester at UMKC (Univ. Mo. Kansas City) this week. In addition, she got a JOB yesterday. She is going to be working at a new AMC concept theater for their chain - offering wait service, leather chairs, food options, etc. She is very excited to have the job and working with AMC on the new concept. We wish her well. She told us last summer she would not be coming back to the Lake of the Ozarks - she would be staying in KC. Looks like she's working her plan.
Abby is enjoying her second semester in the flag corp. As much as she has been enjoying it, I think she wishes she would have been in it before now. Isn't that the way it always works - if I only knew then what I know now (I can certain agree with that in a lot of ways) . . . She still working VERY part-time at Marshall's. Making enough for gas - but still ask for extra gas money from mom and dad. Amazing how that works - especially with gas prices staying down (at least below $1.70/gas - $1.59 now).
Susie is doing very well at Osage National - does a FANASTIC job. The members all love her. Love her so much they gave her a spreader for Christmas (there's a joke there - all the men at the clubhouse got bottles of wine - all the women got butter spreaders). Sexist maybe?

On the political front, we do have a new president starting the job next week - it can't be worse. Life has to get better - doesn't it?
Attitude is everything - so please tell you friends, family, dogs, cats, hampsters, deer in the backyard - CHANGE your attitude. You gotta give a little, laugh a little . . . Spend baby spend. As Bush said after 9/11 - go to the mall.
You know, I've been going to the mall - the problem is I can't afford to buy anything. LOL

Job hunt is in full swing. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten a hit. But, it's in the early innings. Plenty more at bats coming my way.

Questions for the week:
Was the Big 12 over-rated or what?
Why didn't Eli Manning show up for the game against Philly on Sunday? Did he think they were playing the late game and wasn't ready? Looked like it.

Have a great week.

Friday, January 9, 2009

First Post of 2009

I'm in the condo finishing breakfast - actually eating a piece of fruit cake with my coffee (don't laugh) it is a great way to start the day or finish off your breakfast.
Today is supposed to be a beautiful day at Lake of the Ozarks - planning to sneak in 9-holes of golf with a couple of friends - if they can get away from the office.

You're probably asking why I'm in the condo? It's a long story - but to keep it short and simple:
With no rentals this time of year and a lot of things to get caught up on and LOOK FOR A JOB, I'm utilizing the condo for an office. That way I'm not distracted on doing things around the house or walking the dogs all the time. It seems to be working. New cover letter is almost done - hoping to get out three or four resumes today.